10046 – I End My Podcast Quarantine to Talk Covid-19 corona virus

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Riding with the window down...
Riding with the window down...
10046 – I End My Podcast Quarantine to Talk Covid-19 corona virus

Riding with the window down… First show in awhile. This one is all about the COVID-19 corona virus. Peter Attia, MD https://peterattiamd.com/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/peterattiamd/ Twitter https://twitter.com/PeterAttiaMD Apple Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-peter-attia-drive/id1400828889?mt=2 Bing Covid Map https://www.bing.com/covid El Paso Times Texas Map https://data.elpasotimes.com/coronavirus/ Mp3 Link

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