S01E08 Evo Terra
Chris sits down with Evo Terra a professional speaker and traveler and the founder of Podiobooks a website designed to get authors noticed and build and audience using a blend of podcasting and audiobooks.
- Season 1 – What advice would you give a teenager setting out on a new career?
- Episode 8 – Evo Terra
Evo Terra is a writer, podcaster, radio broadcaster, speaker, and professional traveler. In February of 2015 Evo Terra and his wife Sheila Dee sold started The Opportunistic Travelers a podcast/web show about traveling the globe. Evo and Shelia document all their adventures and create location guides as they travel.
Evo Terra – http://www.evoterra.com/
The Opportunistic Travelers – http://www.theopportunistictravelers.com/
Podiobooks – http://podiobooks.com/