Don’t Stress, Give It To Jesus

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Let Go and Let God
Let Go and Let God
Don't Stress, Give It To Jesus

We all have those moments when we feel overwhelmed with something, under tremendous pressure at work, worried about paying that bill, or afraid of making a wrong decision. We get so stressed that we cannot relax or sleep, and there does not seem to be any relief. When we have those feelings, we worsen the situation because we continue to dwell on it. Yet there is a straight forward solution, “Don’t stress, give it to Jesus.” Tune into this podcast and let Art share how easy it is to let go of whatever is troubling us and let Jesus handle it. But how, unfortunately, too many of us make the mistake of giving to Jesus, and soon after we do, we allow our worrying to take over, and we wind up taking the problem back before Jesus has had a chance to do anything with it. Learn how we let go and not take it back and how much better our lives become when we do.

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