Writing Beautifully with Dysgraphia- Cheri Dotterer

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#NoLimits with Shelley Kenow
#NoLimits with Shelley Kenow
Writing Beautifully with Dysgraphia- Cheri Dotterer

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To learn more about Cheri Dotterer or Dysgraphia, click here.

To learn more about Shelley Kenow, click here.

Intro Music by Garren Hughes

In Cheri’s words: I was sitting on the floor sobbing

I had enough! I was picking fights with my husband and kids just because I wanted them to feel as miserable as me. My self-esteem and self-confidence were so low that I was contemplating suicide. How could I leave two small children at home? They were my life. I had lost another job due to “communication” issues. I just wanted to get finished with my master’s degree and transition to pediatric practice. I had one more semester to go. Taking courses one at a time these past five years have taken a toll on my family. I spent two years reading through the Book of Esther every morning as part of my morning routine. Her courage and tenacity helped me come through that stupor created by the “communication” issues. My self-esteem and confidence were resurfacing. God told me that I should write a book. Who me? The girl with poor self-esteem and confidence with “communication” issues. What was I going to write?

Fast Forward to 2023-It’s a big shock when you discover how pervasive writing difficulties are and how little people know how to help–even OTs.

I used to think I was the only OT who struggled with understanding dysgraphia.

It turns out many have questions. So I developed a program!

A premiere virtual experience for teachers, therapists, and parents determined to improve the influence dysgraphia has on their students.

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