When We Feel Alone

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Let Go and Let God
Let Go and Let God
When We Feel Alone

Loneliness is a challenging emotion to navigate. When it is temporary, we typically move on without giving it much thought. However, when loneliness lasts for an extended period, it becomes much harder to cope with. We may feel lonely for various reasons, such as living alone, losing a spouse, or relocating without family or friends nearby. Regardless of the cause, the feeling is the same: a deep sense of loneliness and sadness. In these times of loneliness, we have a choice: we can either succumb to our feelings, which will only worsen our situation, or we can turn to the one friend we always have available, Jesus. Tune into this podcast as Art shares insights on how, in moments of loneliness, turning to Jesus can provide comfort. Listen to this episode of “Let Go and Let God” and discover how we can overcome loneliness when we have Jesus in our hearts.

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