We all experience sadness. It often happens after something stressful,or upsetting occurs in our lives. We have lost our job, ended a relationship, or experienced some other hardship, like losing a loved one. These events make us sad for obvious reasons, and when we become sad, we have to give ourselves the necessary time to recover. During this time, the one source we have is the Lord. But unfortunately, many blame god for what has happened.Blaming God is not the answer; it will not help us move beyond our sadness. Listen to this podcast and let Art share with you what we can and should do when we become sad and how the Lord will help us and lead us to a better place. Severe sadness can lead to depression, and before we allow ourselves to get there, we must reach out to Jesus. Tune into this podcast and learn how to deal with our sad feelings and how when we reach out to Jesus, we will not only feel better, but we will also be able to move on and wind up in a better place.