The Marketing Drive
Short marketing message that you can use right now!
Title: Taking Risks in Marketing
Show Notes:
- In this episode of the Marketing Drive, Chris Dailyaly discusses the importance of taking risks in business and marketing.
- Chris believes that the greatest risk is not taking any risks.
- He uses Elon Musk as an example of someone who has repeatedly risked everything to achieve success.
- In marketing, relying solely on word of mouth is not enough, you need to take risks to get the word out.
- Chris emphasizes the importance of doing your homework and making informed choices but warns against being too hesitant to take risks.
- He mentions that starting a podcast is a risk that can provide many benefits even if it does not immediately result in new customers.
- It can help get the word out about your business.
- It can provide opportunities to be a guest on other shows.
- It can be valuable for making connections by interviewing leaders in your field.
- A large majority of podcasts, 98%, never make it past episode 11, meaning if you publish 12 episodes, you’ll be in the top 2% of podcasts.
- Chris encourages listeners to try different marketing approaches, including advertising, and not to rule out advertising on platforms such as Facebook.
- However, he notes that podcasting currently has a higher return on ad spend than other forms of advertising.
- Chris invites listeners to share what risks they’ve taken and the results of those risks.
For more information or to find out how Chris can help you get more customers, go to www.freshmediaworks.com.
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Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com