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Intro Music-Garren Hughes
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There’s no way around it – life with a special needs child is hard. But raising a kiddo with disabilities does not mean you have to miss out on epic summer road trips or daily joy. You can have fun and enjoy life… you just need a little help! I’ve spent my entire professional career helping children access the power of their voice (this can happen in so many different ways!) and helping parents advocate and learn how to empower their own kids. And I’ve spent my entire motherhood raising, teaching, and empowering my beautiful daughter with disabilities. When it comes to IEPs, 504s, AACs (and all the other acronyms in the world of children with disabilities!), I know all of the information. I can help you understand complicated wording and confusing processes, so you know exactly what your child is entitled to and if it’s working. I also know the emotional side of parenting special needs kids, so I can help you overcome the parent-guilt, find joy, and even give you a shoulder to cry on if you need it. Together, we can do this!