LSG Texas High School Football Coaches Show
Season 03 – Episode 26
The AUTHORITY on Texas High School Football!
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Chris Doelle sits down with Texas high school legend and Texas High School Coaches Association Executive Director, DW Rutledge. In each episode of this groundbreaking series on Lone Star Gridiron, we celebrate the coaches that have made a difference in the lives of people around them.
Listen in as we discuss:
- Schools that played a role in Coach Rutledge’s career, including: Houston Sam Houston, San Marcos, Texas Lutheran College, North Dakota State University, Northside Holmes, San Antonio MacArthur, Southwest Texas State University (Texas State,) Converse Judson,
- Coach Jim Wacker’s influence
- Men first, athletes second
- The importance of a coaches platform
- The importance of a great coaches wife
- What makes a winning program?
- Know your role
- Winning must start in the classroom
- The Judson Boot Camp
- New coaches must ask themselves why they are in coaching
- The University Interscholastic League and it’s importance
- Texas High School Coaches Association
- The blessing that is “the daily victories”
- Coaching his son in the 1993 title game
- and much more!
- COACHES: we want to hear your story as well. If you are a current or former Texas high school football head coach, contact us and we will set up a time for your interview!
The LSG Texas High School Football Coaches Show series is brought to you by the book, All I Need to Know I Learned From My Texas High School Football Coach: A handbook of wisdom for parents, young people and yes, even coaches! by Ken Purcell and Chris Doelle.
You can order a copy of the book NOW!!