Do As I Say, Not AS I Do

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Let Go and Let God
Let Go and Let God
Do As I Say, Not AS I Do

We have all heard the saying, “Do as I do, not as I say,” from many people, including teachers, doctors, family members, and friends, often with good intentions. They want us to do things correctly, even though they may not follow the same advice themselves. For instance, it’s acceptable when a piano teacher demonstrates the correct fingering for a musical passage, even if they occasionally struggle with it themselves. Similarly, it’s understandable when a doctor advises us to lose a few pounds, despite knowing that he might need to lose more weight than we do. However, in the Christian community, it is essential for all of us to lead by example and strive to get the best from each other. Tune into this podcast and let Art share why, as Christians, we cannot accept the idea of “Do as I say, not as I do,” and how crucial it is for us to lead by example. Listen to this episode of “Let Go and Let God” to discover the extraordinary life we can all lead as Christians when we accept our responsibility to guide others as ambassadors of Jesus.

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