In this lively episode, Stephanie and Cheyenne laugh together with tales of life before smartphones! Unearth bizarre relics like film...
Today we are living in times that were considered the stuff of science fiction not that long ago. Artificial intelligence is the next big...
Motherhood is not a Pinterest fail, but it can feel like that sometimes. The old saying about “best laid plans” often going awry rings true...
Lamenting the faded nuances of days gone by. That’s what Cheyenne and Stephanie are about today! From old-fashioned letter writing to...
Check out the voice on this CATT! Local celebrity Catt Wolf joined Stephanie to tell us how she finally found her voice in middle age. ...
After Cheyenne was invited to her ten-year high school reunion with some unusual plans attached, we started to wonder why people go to...
week Stephanie talks to her friend, Jennifer Mann, COO of Key Concepts Marketing about her experience with Imposter Syndrome and how she...
You might not know it by looking at us, but the enneagram test shows that Cheyenne is an achiever and Stephanie is a peacemaker. Neither...
Self-proclaimed feminist and Cheyenne’s bff Kaitlin sat with us this week to talk about our views on marriage and the roles we play in...
The big buzzword in parenting today is “Gentle Parenting,” which most young moms simply call parenting. We’ve come a long way from letting...